Amazon: Alphabet Aquarium (Letters and Animals) Android App Free Today Only – Regularly $1.99
Android Users with Preschoolers or Kindergarteners! Head on over to where you can download the best-selling Alphabet Aquarium School Volume 1: Animated Letters Puzzle Android app completely FREE today only – regularly priced at $1.99! This app features 4 game modes: Letters Puzzle, Animals Puzzle, Sky Puzzle, and Beach Puzzle and has great reviews!
(Thanks, Freebie Finding Mom!)
Thanks, these are life savers when we’re out and about and get stuck somewhere.
You’re welcome, Sarah! 🙂
Thanks! Excited to try it with my 2 and 4 year old next time I need a distraction while shopping…because they are fighting and I am organizing my coupons:)
Thank you so much Colllin!! I got this app few days ago on my ipad and my daughter loved it… but it was a trial. Now I have the full version on my phone!! She is going to be sooo happy!! Thanks!
can you get it on your Apple Ipad/phone for free?