Dremel Rotary Tool 45-Piece Kit Only $65.54 Shipped on Amazon (Regularly $120)

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Dash over to Amazon or Walmart.com and grab this Dremel High Performance 45-Piece Rotary Tool Kit for just $65.54 shipped (regularly $119.99) – best price ever!
This handy kit includes a storage case, five attachments, and 40 accessories such as a sanding/grinding, carving/engraving and more. If you plan on doing detailed projects, you’ll love that the rotary tool has a rotating pivot light. It also features an innovated air flow system to prevent heat build-up, variable speed with feedback, and replaceable brushes to extend motor life.
These are great for almost any kind of crafting project, plus cutting, grinding, polishing, and much more.
Check out how reviewers used this kit…
Dremel has been the king of rotary tools since the beginning. I bought this to replace one I probably had for 20 years. It’s one of those tools that once you use it, you wonder how you did without one for so long. My favorite feature on this on is that you get separate switches for on/off and speed. Very useful since most of my work is done at the same speed setting. Now I can just hit the on/off and it goes to the last set speed. It comes with a fair assortment of accessories and of course there are many more to choose from on the web. Get one, you’ll not regret it.
This is a high-quality tool, so I would highly recommend this model. It has a strong motor that can handle a lot of heavy-duty use. It’s extremely versatile; more like a handyman’s tool than just a craft tool. I’m a woman and don’t find holding it any problem. Easy to change the shank, which I appreciate. I mostly use it to polish polymer clay jewelry, but it would be great for wood carving I think.
First Christmas Present!! Whooo Hoo! Thanks.
Yay! Glad you could cross something off your list, Dorothy!
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