Our Team Took on a 30-Day Water Challenge… And Here’s What We Learned!

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Drink up! 💦

With the new year here and new resolutions on the horizon, our team decided to start 2020 off with a fun monthly challenge to improve ourselves, each other, and have a little friendly competition around here. 😉 After asking ourselves the common “how much water should I drink in a day” question, we took on a 30-day Water Challenge as a team.

What did we do, you ask?!

woman holding white and black water bottle

For the month of January, we challenged ourselves to drink 64 oz. of water every single day for the entire month. We also wanted to do this for a month, because chances are after 30 days, we would form a pretty awesome healthy habit anyway—perfect to keep up the sips even after our team water challenge ended!

To keep things resourceful, we all used one of our favorite reusable water bottles since it’s also hip to save the planet. 🌎😉 Cheers to that! 

ipad with water drinking challenge on screen

We even created a FREE printable so you can keep track, too!

Why we did a 30-day water challenge:

hand holding clear glass of ice water

When our team was thinking of fun challenge ideas, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to drink some more water. That’s because there are so many incredible benefits to upping your intake of H2O every day.

Plus, we heard it makes you look younger because good hydration helps diminish surface wrinkles and elasticity while also giving you a better complexion. Needless to say, we’re already here for it! 🙌

Here are just a few of the other amazing benefits that stuck out to me:

    • Improved kidney function
    • Improved digestion
    • It’s an immunity booster
    • Contributes to better bone health
    • Helps with weight loss and bloating
    • Improved circulation
    • Better brain health

For some of us, drinking that much water didn’t come easy though…

glass jug of water with fruit

So we came up with some delicious solutions!

Recently, Collin took a little trip to the spa with her sister, Marley, and discovered that she loves fruit-infused water! While there, they tried a few different fruit blends, and her favorite was actually cantaloupe and mint. It sounds like a weird combo, but she said it was so good and refreshing. 😍 In fact, she loved it so much that she bought this glass drink dispenser with fruit infuser from Amazon and has been using it daily!

holding glass mason jar filled with water, ice, and lemon slice

Our team didn’t stop there either! Irene and I are currently on fresh fruit infused kicks where we’ve been adding limes, oranges, and lemons to ours. (So refreshing!) Whereas Jenna says she loves to add True Lemon and Lime to hers since there’s no sweetener in it and it tastes just like freshly squeezed fruit! (Yum!)

Hip Tip: We have a refreshing citrus water recipe on our sister site, Hip2Keto.

Our biggest takeaways from the water challenge:

We gained more energy to power through the day.

woman sipping from orange straw cup

“I feel like my energy in the afternoon doesn’t slump down how it used to (anyone else hit a wall around 2:30 pm?!). Now I feel great all the way through the day and actually have the energy to workout in the evening!” – Emily

“I have definitely noticed my energy levels improving! I always hit a slump after work and lately I have been able to keep going without my usual ‘break’!” – Jessica B.

“I feel like I have so much more energy throughout the day, and I’ve even cut down on coffee, well… a tiny bit. 😉” – Collin

We kicked cravings to the curb.

man sipping from straw on blue reusable water bottle

“I’m not going anywhere without my water bottle again! Yesterday I found myself having way too many sugar cravings. I’ve been doing really well with that lately and the difference was that I didn’t have my water with me. Even crazier, I’m no longer eating out of boredom and I don’t wake up starving!” – Jenna P.

“I haven’t bought Diet Coke at the store all month so far. I have splurged just a couple of times while eating out, but far less than normal and I definitely feel better and have experienced less heartburn! Yay!” – Lina

“I find myself choosing to drink water over other sugary beverages and crazy enough, it’s no longer intentionally. This challenge has totally changed me!” – Irene

“On the days I successfully drink 64oz by late afternoon, I’m realizing that I haven’t been snacking or eating as much as I normally do. I definitely feel less hungry overall, which is so crazy!” – Erica 

Some of us even lost a few inches. 

scale with apple and measuring tape on surface

“Just two weeks in and I’m already down 13.75″ on my body! When I started my water intake and a healthier lifestyle, I didn’t want it to be a new year’s resolution, I wanted it to be a new lifestyle. As a bonus, I’m not as bloated and I find myself wanting to eat healthier and workout.”  – Alana

“I started my challenge a little early because I had been drinking way too much soda and I’ve lost almost 10 pounds already and almost cut soda out entirely by replacing it with water. My mom keeps asking me why I’m so thin. LOL! It also has helped reduce indigestion and I just feel so amazing.” – Amber

And we definitely noticed a difference in our skin. 

woman smiling holding white and black reusable bottle

“Two weeks down and I have to say that my skin is looking way less dull and seems a bit more clear than normal, which is amazing since I normally prioritize skincare as it is!” – Emily

“My skin is less dry for sure! My lips are less chapped and if I skimp, I can tell right away. I was a big water drinker before the challenge, but this has really helped me remember on days I want to skimp. Plus, I just feel better overall.” – Jennifer

“My skin isn’t nearly as dry as it normally is, and I live in Nevada so that is saying something!” – Collin

“Staying hydrated has totally helped my lips. It’s amazing to not have to put on 8 million pounds of chapstick during the day now! LOL!” – Erica

Overall, we’ve developed some pretty awesome habits, too. 

woman wearing glasses smiling holding blue reusable water bottle

“I noticed that I’m drinking more water now just out of habit than when I first started it was like I had to force myself to drink it and that is pretty awesome!” – Jessica B.

“I have found that I am sleeping so much better!” – Jenna 

paper stickers pen and blue bottle laying on marble countertop

So, what are YOU waiting for?! Take the 30-day water challenge for yourself!

Click here to download our free printable!

Here are the best water bottles to buy.

About the writer:

Sara is a self-taught blogger & photographer and brings 9+ years of experience to her craft. Her work has been featured in numerous esteemed publications, spanning building, travel, and fashion. Beyond her creative pursuits, Sara’s primary mission is to empower others to embrace a toxic-free & sustainable lifestyle.

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Comments 60

  1. J

    Did you ever get to the point where you weren’t peeing every two seconds? I’ve heard your bladder starts to regulate itself if you increase your water but I’ve never managed to stick to it long enough to get to that point!

    • Lori

      Same here. It seemed like i spent the whole day in the bathroom.

    • Mik

      My friend did water challenge told me that first few days she kept going bathroom so often, but after a week or so it slowed down. So I assume your bladder gets used to it and be able to hold it longer?
      Anyhow I do need to increase my water intake for sure!

    • rutabaga1017

      I started doing this years ago! It was terrible at first, but I drink 3+ 33-oz bottles of water a day and don’t have to go to the bathroom constantly. I also now crave water and drink hardly anything else – getting over the hurdle is hard but once you’re there, it’s easy!

    • Rebecca

      I’ve done it before & did get used to it, wasn’t bad at all. However I got out of the habit & have tried again a few times & can’t get over that hump now😬

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      Hi J! Yes! I did find that I was having to take less bathroom breaks after a while. 😊

    • PrincessMom

      It takes a couple of weeks! lol But you have to stick with it–if you skip the water for a day, the peeing starts all over!

    • Amy

      I never get past that phase! I have to cut myself off after a certain hour or else I’ll be up every hour all night

  2. Maggie

    Lemon and basil water is my favorite !!

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      YUM! Thanks for the suggestion, Maggie! I’ll have to try that!

  3. Maureen

    I try to drink between 64-80 ounces daily. I am one of those who have had kidney stones in the past and they are not fun so water with lemon is a great beverage that I drink.

    • Gscribble

      I’m dealing with stones too. I had them a few years ago and got pretty good about drinking water and then slowly fell off the water wagon. Sure enough, stones again. Time to get back on it!

  4. je

    I’ve been making it a point to drink more water for months now and I’ve lost 3-4 pounds by just doing that. I’ve noticed that I don’t eat or drink sugary foods as much, and I’m always so full from all the water that I don’t feel as hungry. The only negative, I gulp down about 24 oz. before bedtime and I usually have to pee 2-3 times before falling asleep. 😀

  5. Suzanne

    I have Polycystic kidney disease and am on medication that causes me to be SO thirsty! I use to drink about 2 liters a day prior to medication and now I drink about 2 gallons a day…including 64oz through the night. Bathroom breaks about every 2 hours! I lost 23 pounds in 3 months! Cucumber is my favorite infuser. This is a great challenge! Take care of those kidneys!

    • Durinda Wilkinson

      Hi Suzanne,
      I just realized this post was over a year old. I just was wondering what meds they have you on for your polycystic kidney disease. I have had it in the past along with kidney stones pretty. Now I am having very frequent UTIs. I have been on Bactrin for a month, then cipro for 3 weeks and now another 3 weeks of cipro . I am afraid I may become antibiotic resistant. Thanks! Durinda

  6. sara

    I’ve been drinking (chugging) 20-40 oz of water right before bed and as soon as I wake up. I feel pretty bloated, but it helps me not have cravings and not be hungry right before bed or when I wake up. The morning is great bc it allows me time to make a good, healthy decision on a normal sized breakfast instead of pigging out on anything that looks good when I wake up. I noticed I would wake up to pee sometimes when I first started (especially when I do 40 oz before bed) and now I never wake up and I just pee it all out when I wake up. Nice feeling to be all cleaned out when I wake up!

  7. Danielle

    That is awesome for you guys! Can I ask- what is the name of that countertop in the last picture with the blue water bottle and tracking sheet? I LOVE it and am remodeling my kitchen and am having a hard time picking the countertop. Thanks so much!!

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      Hi Danielle! That is a background surface. It is white marble. Hope that helps!

      • Danielle

        Thanks so much! I love marble!

        • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

          You’re so welcome!

  8. Yess Min

    I have a question, do you guys drink faucet water or do you empty bottles water into your special bottles? Sir for the weird question just wondering how other people are doing it.

    • Jo

      I have a water alkalizer. I was not fond of water when I gave up my 32+ ounces a day of Diet Coke several years ago. I love love my water alkalizer. I now drink half my body weight in ounces per day of water. I agree, I prefer chugging it (I start and end my day chugging 16 oz) and drinking it room temperature. Truly life-changing. Not all water is created equal—I would never do this with bottled water…yuck!

    • Jennifer (Hip Sidekick)

      I don’t like the taste of my local water, so instead of using lots of store bought water bottles, I use a filter (Berkey) and fill my Thermoflask. I just wash it daily and keep filling it throughout the day.

      • ann

        I have a Berkey too and it is the best ! Now I know the water I’m drinking is much better for me and safer!

  9. Paige A

    I’ve been drinking 120oz of water everyday for the last 5 years or so. I keep a wide-mouth 32oz mason jar at my desk and drink my first 3 jars (96oz) plain and my last jar I drink with a Nuun tablet in it. I’ve found that drinking from a straw is much quicker and allows me to drink more water fast. In regards to visits to the potty…my body allows me to hold more liquid then I could previous to my water regimen.

    • lee ann

      What is a nunn tablet?

  10. Wai

    Love this challenge! I just bought a 64oz stainless steel water bottle on clearance at Costco for $9.97. I’m bad at keeping track of different bottles throughout the day, so as ridiculous as it looks, I know I have to finish the bottle to meet the 64oz! 🤣

  11. TwoLittleMonkeys

    This is so awesome! I’ve found that buying a great water bottle that I LOVE (CONTIGO stainless steel auto spout – on sale on Amazon right now) has helped so much! It’s constantly by my side.

  12. Alice

    I have been drinking about 80 oz of water a day for the last few years. I find it is easy to get the recommended amount if you chug the water as opposed to sipping. I also find room temperature or warmish water easier to chug. Also using a regular cup or a large mouth water bottle is key. When I use a water bottle with a straw or a little spout, I just don’t get as much before I “think” I am done. You do have to get over your fear of “what if I have to pee.” Just remember that peeing means you are getting out a lot of the bad stuff from your body.

  13. Holls

    My new year resolution is that the first thing I drink in the morning is a glass of water. It has been great and sometimes I don’t even get to my caffine until later in the morning. I also drink a caffeine free herbal tea made from loose tea and reuse it one or two times a day. So basically a lightly flavored water.

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      YES! I love water first thing in the AM too! Thanks for the tip on how you drink your tea! I’ll have to try that!

  14. kimhanson

    I have a giant water jug I take everywhere and it’s 64 oz. I drink that everyday plus some. I’ve been going strong for a year now

  15. Dealzgurl

    I bought a gallon thermos late last year to keep at my desk. I try to refill my Walmart Ozark Trails thermal cup with it. I’m struggling though because I don’t like the taste of water anymore. I tried the flavor enhancers similiar to Crystal Light and that helps some but they give me hives if I do too many of them. I like the lemon and basil idea. I’m going to see if I like that.

    • ann

      There are some flavored Stevias (one brand is Sweet Leaf) I have the rootbeer one and it helps me to drink more. I didn’t know if you had tried that yet.

  16. Kimberlyn

    Great job! Everyone should drink at least HALF of their body weight in water every day. I drink more water when I use a straw or sipper top on my water bottle. Oh and love your tracker.

    • CindyS

      That’s what my doctor told me as well! I can definitely feel a difference in energy and cravings when I don’t drink enough water.

    • Sarah C

      Half their body weight in ounces. So a 200 lb person should be drinking 100 oz per day minimum.

  17. Big Heart

    Use a straw, reusable preferred. It’s been proven that using one makes people drink more. Way to go. What’s the next challenge? We should all do one. If you do it long enough you will find you get crank without it and you just do it .

  18. todd

    All i mostly drink is water (except for an occasional Dr. Pepper) and i buy those sugar free and calorie free flavor packets from Dollar Tree like lemonade or fruit punch.

    Anyone else use those??

    • redsoxgirl

      I like the lemonade as well, but the dentist says the amount of acid in this awful for your enamel!

  19. Jennifer

    I’m with Bryn. What is it about 2:30 pm? I practically need to be propped up at that time to get anything done. It’s like my body tries to shut down everyday at this same time. I will push the water and see what happens.

  20. CJ

    Cucumber and spearmint leaves and ice cubes is my “spa” retreat drink!

  21. Mel

    Love it! Way to go H2S team.

    What’s the next challenge? What a great idea to put out a challenge!

    • Jennifer (Hip Sidekick)

      Stay Tuned! We have some good ones coming!

  22. jennifer

    I have so much more energy when I’m properly hydrated and I use way less lip balm! I also notice that if I’m eating enough fruit and vegetables I don’t have to drink as much water to get the same benefits.

  23. yonawrites

    Love this printable. It will definitely help me stay on track!

  24. Peaches

    Our local water is high in minerals such as lime so bottled water is the norm even for the dog! I keep several gallon jugs filled with water from the dispenser at Walmart and fill our bottles and her water dispenser from those. The water is as good as any bottled water around and only $.39 per gallon! Add a Contigo West Loop 24 oz bottle that can go anywhere including the bed without spilling and I am set! I never go anywhere without my bottle of water including restaurants as I can’t guarantee their water tastes as good.

    • ann

      There are some flavored Stevias (one brand is Sweet Leaf) I have the rootbeer one and it helps me to drink more. I didn’t know if you had tried that yet.

    • ann

      I have a Berkey and it is the best ! Now I know the water I’m drinking is much better for me and safer!

  25. barb

    I love your challenge I’ve been trying to increase my water intake too and I crave it!! …..Just a dumb question, is there more than 1 Collin on Hip2Save? I thought Collin lived in Idaho?? Did you move to Nevada or am I thinking of the wrong house tour you gave a few years back, or is there another Collin? 🙂

    • jennifer

      She moved to Nevada

      • barb

        Thanks Amber for the link to Collins move to Reno I don’t know how I missed it. When I googled her name last night after seeing her yellow kitchen floor on instagram then I saw her ranch or more like Mansion in Nevada from the home sale photos, it’s enormous and the pool and ground are gorgeous!! I hope she’ll do a home tour soon, I love to see celebrity million dollar mansions and I can’t wait to see Collins mansion, its truly breathtaking from the photo’s on- line and I can only imagine it a 1000 better with Collins decor and style!

  26. Heather

    Does anyone have opinions on a reliable free water tracking app

  27. Kellie C.

    Can I ask how and where you got that water tracker for your iPad?

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      Yes! That is the printable we have available through the link in the post. 😊 If you would like to use the printable digitally, you can download the water tracker we have listed above and edit it using the Photos app. Hope that helps!

  28. Patti Smith

    Ok, probably a dumb question. I rarely feel thirsty and I have a hard time getting enough liquids. I printed your helpful sheet out and am using it. If you drink other liquids, ex milk, protein shake do you count that? Is it only water? Thanks! Once again, hip2save is the BEST!!!

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      Hi Patti! Great question! For this you would just count the water. I found that the water began to replace the regular soda drinks I was drinking. Hope this helps!

  29. lee ann

    I struggle drinking water. If it’s ice cold AND I’m thirsty than it’s no problem. Otherwise I go all day without drinking at all and never get thirsty. It’s horrible I know this probably isn’t the beat way to go about it, but to keep hydrated and get some water into me I have been mixing Gatorade and water. More water than Gatorade. Just so there is some kind of flavor. Plus I figure Gatorade would kick start the hydration?!? I dunno. I figured better than NOT drinking all day.

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