Did You Know Chick-fil-A Has a Hawaiian-Themed Restaurant?
Chick-fil-A Goes Hawaiian!
If you’ve been on social media recently, you’ve probably heard about the unique Hawaiian-themed restaurant that’s part of the Chick-fil-A chain in Fayetteville, GA called Truett’s Luau. My teenager was begging me for weeks to take her after she saw it on TikTok so I finally caved.
It’s a bit of a trek at 60 miles away so we decided to go on a Saturday and arrive just before it opened.
I initially thought this was a new restaurant, but after a little research, I learned that it’s actually been open since 2013 and was the last project that the founder of Chick-fil-A, Truett Cathy, was involved with.
Nearly every piece of décor used in the restaurant was handpicked by Truett himself. Oddly enough, I asked several other friends and they too thought it was a new restaurant. The power of social media is unreal!
Fun fact: My first job in high school through college was at a Chick-fil-A in Nashville, TN where I grew up. I was also one of the lucky recipients of their college scholarship and even met Mr. Cathy way back in the 1900’s.
We arrived at Truett’s Luau around 10:15 am to be there when it opened at 10:30 am and there were already about 7 cars in line. People in Georgia don’t play when it comes to Chick-fil-A, and there were even several cars that were from other states. Our cashier told us they’ve had people from all over the United States and Canada come just to try it out. Wow!
The Luau drive-thru menu has all of the traditional CFA menu items, plus a special Hawaiian themed menu with pineapple tacos, fish tacos, luau burgers, Hawaiian drinks, sweet potato fries and more.
Currently, the inside of the restaurant is closed due to COVID-19, however, once it does open back up they have an even wider selection of island influenced menu items including shrimp, mahi-mahi, steak, pork and more.
They even have waiters and waitresses dressed in Hawaiian shirts that will come to your table and serve you. Okay Chick-Fil-A, I see you trying to be fancy!
Several of our friends went to the Luau before us so we kind of had an idea of what we wanted to order based on their recommendations. Sadly, they have stopped selling the pineapple fried rice in the drive-thru for now due to Corona.
We decided to get a variety of things to do a little taste test of our own… and we ended up getting way too much food and had leftovers for later.
We ordered the Pineapple Chicken Tacos, Truett’s Luau Burger, Tropical Nuggets, Sweet Potato Fries, Frosted Pineapple Drink, and the Frosted Hawaiian Drink. Next time we plan to try the Fish Sandwich, Fish Tacos, and the Island Chicken Salad Sandwich – everything looked so good, but it was a little overwhelming ordering as they had someone come to the car instead of being able to look at the menu board.
I don’t know about you but I kind of prefer to look at the board when I’m ordering instead of telling someone who is standing there — it’s sort of like window shopping for food when I can look at all of the choices instead of feeling rushed. I’m just weird like that. Now, with that being said, at our regular Chick-fil-A, I don’t need to look since we already know what they serve, but this one was new to us.
Everything we tried was a home run – especially the Frosted Pineapple and Hawaiian drinks! I’m normally not a fan of cabbage, but man those tacos were delicious!
Word on the street (I mean the internet) is that you can mix the Chick-Fil-A Polynesian Sauce with their Siracha Sauce and put the mix on regular nuggets and it makes them taste like the tropical nuggets. I’m going to have to take one for the team and do a little investigative reporting on that! I mean somebody has to do it, right?
Out of all the things we ordered, the burger was actually my least favorite. It wasn’t bad at all, but it was just a regular burger with pineapple on it, nothing special in my opinion – naturally, the chicken is truly the star of the show at Chick-fil-A.
Other fun items you’ll find on the unique menu include Luau Coleslaw, Hawaiian Bread Pudding, White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies, Pineapple Macadamia Nut Milkshake, Bubble Tea & Lemonade, and a Luau Salad in addition to the fish options mentioned above. My daughter was a huge fan of the sweet potato waffle fries and said she actually preferred them over the original.
This was a short little road trip to take and something fun to do and get out of the house for a bit. If you’re in the Atlanta area, you gotta check it out and let me know what you think!
How do we know on the app which team member is writing this story? I don’t see a name! Thanks!
MaryKay, I believe, it is “Angela” as it says up at the top. Hope that helps. I don’t recall seeing “Angela’s” name a lot.
Cannot see who writes posts in app. You can on the website however. Hoping in the future we can see it, it may seem silly, but would like to know who is talking about their experience or opinion on topics.
Thanks for the request and for pointing that out! We’ll be sure to look into this!
I didn’t know that, HipMomof3. Good to know.
Hi MaryKay! I wrote this post!
Thanks Angela. I enjoyed your review. Your name doesn’t pop up on the H2S App so I was curious. Thanks again!
Oh wow! Thank you! I’ll have to let the tech peeps know, I’ve written over 10,000 posts for Hip2Save!

Wow! Just reading this article is making me hungry! I’m going to have to take a road trip with my family. Thanks for the review!
You’re so welcome! Thanks for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed the post!
Wow! I had never heard of this. Will have to make that trip!
It’s worth the trip! Just something fun to do if you have the time.
I tried it last month via Drive Thru because of the virus not allowing dine-in. Everything was delicious!
My daughter is already asking to go back again!
I just mapped it and it’s only an hour from me. Road trip!!
How exciting! Enjoy!
Make sure you get the pineapple drink!
I live in Marietta so it about an hour for me too. Went there before the quarantine not sure if it’s the same but it was the Dwarf House.
Hi there! I’m in Woodstock! Dwarf House is a different restaurant, we have one up here and it’s almost the same as the regular Chick-fil-A with a few different items. The Luau has totally different items in addition to the regular menu. You’ll love it!!!
We have been there a few years ago, we are about an hour away! Was delicious!
oh this would be an awesome option for choices! Come to Indiana!!
Sweet potato waffle fries?! Yes, please!!!

Hey Jen! Arby’s just started selling sweet potato waffle fries and they are AMAZING! I have been there twice just for the fries!
What a fun post! I had no idea that this restaurant existed. Thanks for keeping me in the know, Hip2save!
Aww thanks SueJo!
Appropriating a native culture and commodifying it is very on-brand for Chick-fil-A, and I’m disappointed in this site for perpetuating this practice.
Oh, stop.
They aren’t appropriating a culture (and btw “native Hawaiians” as you probably think of them are actually Polynesians who immigrated to that island chain- and have you been to Hawaii?? The most famous family in the islands that are considered “natives” are WHITE- they bought some of the islands from the king – who declared them “natives” and the islands the family owns are the most well preserved islands- with a ton of the land remaining forested and undeveloped – unlike the other islands… also white ppl both British and American are the ones who made the islands what they are today and improved life on the inhabited islands – if you go to other pacific islands you can see how far above and beyond Hawaii is… also if you actually asked a “native Hawaiian” what they thought of it, they would probably love it bc a restaurant is offering food that represents their home …. or are you going to call all restaurants “appropriating cultures” when they diversify cuisine and themes?!?!!!! You do realize America is the most culturally diverse country in the world right???? Or should ppl only be able to offer “white food”??? Or shall you say Panda Express how dare they offer Chinese food!!! Or Benny fing Hanna for offer Asian cuisine!!!! The list goes on man… I love how uneducated ppl who (probably) aren’t part of that “culture” scream cultural appropriation (go outside the USA and experience other cultures and see how they live and treat other ppl- I have been around the world and can 100% guarantee America is the least racist country (but pretty much the only one that talks about it as in other countries racism is an accepted “cultural norm” … aside from your previous “native Hawaiians” who are actually quite well known for being huge racists)
Great comment. Thanks for informing all of us! Every Hawaii native I know is white!
I’m haole in Hawaii. No, native Hawaiians are not white. Call them haoles and see how they respond. No Chik-fil-A here and surprisingly to some, people here don’t add pineapple to everything.
Wow that huge comment.
So your whole comment is about how you know ”natives” so well and that they are actually white. Then you insult the actual Hawaiian natives by saying they’re “the biggest racists.” Have a seat!
Did you know that Chick-Fil-A continues to fund anti-gay organizations and is a huge hinderance in the equal rights of LGBTQIA Community?
The owners are Christian and follow Bible teachings. You may find this story interesting.
isnt everyone allowed to decide where they do and don’t stand on an issue? Vote with your dollars! They don’t have to agree with you. If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. Tolerance isn’t yelling until someone agrees with you. It isn’t appropriate for a straight couple to make out in a family friendly establishment. It’s just chicken. Verizon donates to Planned Parenthood. Eeks.
One of my best friends is gay and loves Chick-fil-A. Whenever we’re out together and see one, that’s where he wants to have lunch. Not everyone has an agenda.
Wow. So disrespectful. Start your own website to post your views. Either you’re going to try the restaurant or not. This is not the platform for these opinions. How did a post on a restaurant go left? If you don’t support anything CFA just keep scrolling.
So freaking what? You don’t have to support anything you don’t want to support. This was an interesting post that a couple of bad apples had to attempt to spoil. You need to move on and keep scrolling and strolling with your agenda.
Isn’t it great we live in America and that we can actually each have a differing opinion, but still respect each other!!!
isnt it great that we live in america and you still think sexuality is a decision?
Lol, I bet you tried the tacos!
If a restaurant was taking the money they made and giving it to organizations trying to dissolve your marriage and take your kids away from you, you wouldn’t care if they “have really good lemonade.” You wouldn’t eat there.
They aren’t getting my money! For people saying “Keep politics out of it,” Chick-fil-a has chosen to be political by funding anti-gay organizations.
Never ceases to amaze me how the “cancel out” culture wants to make everything so political…it’s food!!! Wow and wow. Thanks for posting, Hip2Save.
Yes! Please keep your political opinions to yourself on Hip2Save (on both sides). We are smart enough to decide for ourselves which companies to support and obviously have access to the internet to research companies on our own. I’m not a fan of the food at Chick Fil A, but the service is always top notch! They clearly hire and train their personnel well. I will always support companies that make me feel valued as a customer.
As many times as I’ve stayed in Atlanta while traveling, how did I not know this existed!!
. I already love the regular food, so I’m sure this would be just as delicious…the sweet potato fries and fish sandwich are calling my name. Thanks for this review Angela, I will be sure to check it out the next time I am in town. 

You’re welcome! The pineapple tacos are a must-have too!
Pineapple fried rice for the win! Also the lava rocks! Omg yum! Its a frequent stop for us.
I’m so bummed they didn’t have the rice when we went!
This is 5 minutes from my house. Be warned that the lines can be long since people have discovered this. Since the inside is currently closed, they’re using the entire parking lot for the line. Also, if you’re just getting a regular CFA sandwich, go to the Dwarf House or the other CFA close by. Luau’s prices are higher than the two other locations less than 2 miles away. However, this location is lovely, and the food is good, just more pricey.
YES! I noticed that about the pricing! Very good point! Another tip I’ve learned from people is to do mobile order because you can avoid the line, however, when I was there the app kept pulling up the Dwarf House. Luckily we were there early so the line was short.
Yes, the mobile app is a huge time saver right now for CFA since the interior isn’t open (and extra especially about Luau)!
Is this the dwarf house?
Hi there! No this is Truett’s Luau, the Dwarf house has a few entrees that the regular CFA doesn’t have. There’s also Truett’s Grill which serves burgers and a few other items in addition to the regular menu.
Thanks for the review. I’m in Florida but my family does a lot of cross country trips; maybe we’ll make our way through there some day
You’re welcome! Hope you get a chance to try it out!