Debate: Should Your TV Go Over Your Fireplace? (Plus the Perfect Compromise!)
For many homeowners, the room with the TV and fireplace is everything! Whether everyone at your house thinks the TV belongs over the fireplace or not, read on for pros and cons, our team’s debate, and the perfect compromise for your home when you just can’t agree on the perfect spot.
Pros and cons of placing the TV over the fireplace
- Creates one focal point in your living room.
- Saves space in your room.
- Creates a uniform space when decorating.
- Hides wires more successfully.
- Strains neck if your fireplace is too tall.
- Affects overall viewing experience.
- Limits the decor you can place on your mantel.
- Some fireplaces can burn too hot for electronics and damage them.
- Limits the size of TV you can put above it.
- Tends to be more expensive to have installed.
The perfect compromise for those who can’t agree?
Buy it on Amazon – 3 sizes available
Can’t come to an agreement with your spouse? I’m a huge fan of these new Samsung Frame TVs! I think it’s the perfect compromise to suit anyone’s home decor style and needs! Your hubby will get his fireplace, mounted TV, and you can still have your stunning decor to look at when the game’s not on.
With the frame TV, you can also customize your outer frame with black, white, beige, or walnut wood and enjoy your favorite artwork. Guests will never know your design secret. 😉
So what’s the Hip2Save team verdict on placing the TV over the fireplace?
Over the fireplace vs.
Put it somewhere else
“I have a TV over our basement fireplace. We found a fireplace that vents out the front (it’s an electric fireplace), and we have a huge mantel above it to help deflect heat. We’ve had it there for years and like it.” – Chelsey
“I’m a fan of the TV over the fireplace when you don’t want to create two focal points in the room.” – Jamie
“I think it depends on the height of your fireplace, as long as it’s not a strain to watch. That said, I do like ours over the fireplace in our house. It’s the perfect height for a TV, and it’s been over our electric fireplace since we moved in.” – Amber
“Unfortunately, our fireplace is far too tall for a TV, but I wish it wasn’t because I absolutely love the look!” – Jessica
“We have our TV over the fireplace. We love watching films together as a family, so a big screen was a must for us, and our 70” was taking up a lot of floor space. Moving it over the fireplace freed up a ton of space and created additional space that the kiddos can play in. If budget wasn’t an issue, I would totally get a TV in disguise like that Samsung frame!” – Stacy
Put it somewhere else vs.
Over the fireplace
“I do not like the TV over the fireplace at all. I personally think a fireplace and the mantel are a special place for art and other sentimental pieces. I feel like this is such a focal point when someone walks in the room, and I wouldn’t want that focal point to be a BIG TV. At the same time though, I’d totally be down for some cool TV that is hidden and then pops up when you want to watch something. I also think the Samsung Frame TV could be a neat option.” – Collin
“I wanted to be able to decorate the mantel, so we placed ours on a different wall. I still feel like the focal point is the fireplace, though, and it worked out, but would still love to “hide” or frame the TV somehow. I’d love the new frame TV by Samsung that looks like artwork!” – Lina
“The two houses we had with fireplaces never had enough space for a TV to go over unless it was a smaller TV like a 24″-32″. Besides, even if it could fit, I feel like I would break my neck looking up.” – Alana
“My boyfriend is very anti-over-the-fireplace TVs. He takes his TV viewing far too seriously (he even has special glasses to calibrate the color output and spends hours tuning the surround sound), and he says that having the TV that high up is a horrible viewing angle. Since the TV was one of our bigger investments I’d rather the viewing angle be the best that it can be.” – Emily
“From an ergonomic standpoint, you should be looking down or straight – not up, as it strains the neck. For that reason alone, I would never put a TV over a fireplace if I had one. I also am not a fan of electronics being out in the open. I would prefer to keep it as natural as possible.” – Jami
“My neck would be killing me if we had our TV over the fireplace, so I would never put it there. I also love decorating my mantel during Christmas and feel like a TV would be an eyesore and take away from the pretty decorations.” – Sara
The verdict? Over the fireplace – 5 vs. Put it somewhere else – 6
So it’s pretty clear to see our team is almost a split tie for where to put the TV! Some of us couldn’t imagine it anywhere else, whereas some of us think decorating the mantel takes precedence.
Try these 10 ways to make your small living room look & feel larger!
Unrelated, but may I ask where you bought the grey & white pot and greenery in the first picture? That is exactly what I am looking for.
Hi Elizabeth! We don’t have the details on where those are from. So sorry.
Great article showing pros and cons!