What Temperature Should I Set My Air Conditioner in Summer? 78 Degrees is the Answer

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Wondering what temperature should I set my air conditioner in summer? Let’s find out together!

finger adjusting ac temperature on ecobee smart thermostat

This new recommendation will save you money if you can take the heat! 🔥

A lot of us noticed a big spike in various areas of life, like gas and our electricity. Still, a lower electric bill is one tried-and-true method of saving some extra cash. While it’s not exactly new news, the federal government has come forward with some recommendations for air conditioning our homes in the summer.

So, what temperature should I set my air conditioner in summer?

Energy Star, a partnership between the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency, suggests that the coolest AC temperature should be 78 degrees. 😱

hand pressing button on thermostat to change ac temperature

For maximum efficiency and reduction of energy costs, Energy Star recommends keeping the inside temperature of your home as close to the outside temperature as you can comfortably do so. More specifically, the agency recommends keeping your air conditioner at 78℉ when you’re home in the summertime, 82℉ when you’re asleep, and 85℉ when you’re away. 😬

Needless to say, these suggestions felt the heat from readers who prefer to be in control of their AC temperature:

“Keeping the temperature as close as possible to the outside temperature in Las Vegas?! I don’t think so!”  Gary

“We leave ours between 69°-71° in the summer and 72°-73° in the winter. There are many things I save money on, clothing from thrift stores, using coupons, etc. so if I have to spend a little more to stay cool or warm throughout the year I’m gonna do it.” – Laura 

“I would love for whoever is making these ‘rules’ to come spend the summer in south Georgia next year. I’ll eat PB&J and ramen noodles every day – but I’m not going to be hot in my own house.” – Kristina

“Here in Florida, it’s such wet, humid air that if your AC doesn’t run enough, your home will be damp and it could create mold. I don’t think those recommendations would work for my climate.” – Kim

“I’m with y’all – I sleep at 68°-74°. I can handle a bit warmer during the day, but I don’t like to wake up sweating – my sleep is more valuable than saving a few bucks a month.” – Katrina

“I think 82° is too warm for sleeping. I would rather have it cooler at night and a little warmer in the day.” – Ana

what temperature should i set my air conditioner in summer

So clearly, a lot of us are not too thrilled about these recommendations, even if it means a lower electric bill… but here’s the catch:

According to the Department of Energy, reducing the use of your AC saves you about 3% on your utility bill for each degree increase. Energy officials say that these savings could add up fast, on both a personal and a global scale. Air conditioners use about 5% of the electricity produced in the US every year, at a cost of over $29 billion.

Not to worry! If sleeping in an 82° room doesn’t sound dreamy, there are some other recommendations outside of the AC temperature to reduce utility costs and still stay cool.

Here are some other ways to reduce the heat in your home instead of changing the temperature on your air conditioner in summer:

1. Use a ceiling fan for better air circulation.

monte carlo york ceiling fan in pewter

A ceiling fan will allow you to raise your thermostat as much as four degrees without sacrificing comfort! And speaking of fans, you should always make sure to use the bathroom fan when showering or bathing.

“We use ceiling fans in rooms where we are sleeping, watching TV, or hanging out, and we all sleep with stationary fans blowing on us. Is it worth it? For us, it absolutely is!” – Brenda

2. Install a programmable thermostat to have more control over the temp.

what temperature should i set my air conditioner in summer

Using a programmable thermostat helps automatically optimize the AC temperature for each time of day, and many smartphone-compatible options let you control your home’s temperature from anywhere. This is great when you want to automate your home’s temp based on the best AC temperature for sleeping, while you’re away, and of course, while you’re lounging around the house.

3. Add more insulation to the house for a lower electric bill in summer and winter!

woman sitting at window with laptop

Adding more insulation to places like your attic along with sealing cracks, large windows, or other areas that allow in the air will help keep the warm air out when you’re trying to keep things cool. Additionally, it will keep the cool air out when you’re trying to warm up in winter.

“We put in extra insulation in our attic to retain cold air in the summer and to prevent hot air from escaping in the winter to make our living space warmer.” – Betty

4. Cook outdoors more to avoid heating up the kitchen.

opening the lid of the Traeger smoker in backyard

Using an outdoor grill or smoker to prepare food rather than heating up the oven or stove will keep heat out of the house. If you’re in the market to buy a new grill, Lina’s husband is obsessed with this one!

Hip Tip: Don’t have a grill? Check out these easy Crock-Pot recipes that we love as they’ll be sure to keep that hot oven off. However, if you must use the oven or stovetop, just be sure to use the kitchen range hood.

5. Install insulated window coverings and keep the sun rays out and get a lower electric bill in summer.

hand holding a pair of curtains in store

To prevent the sun from heating your home, hang blackout curtains or some light-blocking shades. This will ultimately help cut down on cooling costs since your window treatments will be blocking the sun and heat from coming in.

“I leave my blinds closed in summer and made heavy curtains out of thick fabric for my bedroom to keep the sun out better.” – Mary 

6. Invest in a high-efficiency unit for better cooling power.

White air conditioning wall unit ac temperature set at 78 degrees

While it’s not the cheapest alternative, upgrading to a high-efficiency AC unit will cost less and work better at cooling down your home even when changing the AC temperature to a few degrees higher–and it’ll be worth it for an overall lower electric bill.

Hip Tip: Speaking of AC units, make sure you’re regularly cleaning and replacing your AC unit’s filters.

7. Sleep comfortably with some cooling bed sheets.

woman laying in bed sleeping

Having a lower electric bill shouldn’t mean skimping on sleep! If you prefer chillier temps at night, setting the thermostat to 82℉ probably feels like sleeping in a sauna. 🥵 Luckily, you can still snooze in comfort when you dress your bed with sheets meant to keep you cool!

Here’s what Collin had to say about her Cuddledown cooling bedsheets!

I took my sister to a spa in Arizona for a girl’s getaway trip in January and the place we stayed at had the most amazing cooling bed sheets ever!!! We were both so obsessed because they were so cozy and soft, and we literally felt like we were sleeping in a crisp, yet luxurious cloud.

We asked the hotel where we could buy them and the brand, then I immediately hopped online to grab some. The prices were actually pretty reasonable compared to what I thought they’d be and they’re so worth it! Collin

Bonus Tip: Just change your AC temperature by a couple of degrees for big savings and a lower electric bill all year!

Finger pushing screen set the ac temperature in summer
If you’re struggling to comprehend how some people are living in such hot homes or you simply don’t live in a climate that allows for you to make these recommended changes, consider gradually raising the temperature by a degree or two to start.

To anyone who’s been wondering, “what temperature should I set my air conditioner in summer,” know that we can all agree on 78 degrees being pretty drastic, especially for anyone in an already hot climate. But if you’ve been consistently setting your ac temperature to 68 in the summer, try raising the temp 1 degree each week until you hit a happy medium, like 72 degrees. You may not even notice the difference by the 4th week!

Wanna save even more this summer? Check out how the team cut costs here!

About the writer:

Sara is a self-taught blogger & photographer and brings 9+ years of experience to her craft. Her work has been featured in numerous esteemed publications, spanning building, travel, and fashion. Beyond her creative pursuits, Sara’s primary mission is to empower others to embrace a toxic-free & sustainable lifestyle.

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Comments 163

  1. MrsG

    Oh nooooo. We live in MS. It gets HOT and HUMID here. We keep the air around 68. 😬

    • The_braided_root_5

      Same here! 78 is a he!! Naw

    • HeatherSellers

      Lol! Right! I’m in Alabama and we would be dead at 78! 68 is perfect all year round.

    • NikkiLLM5

      I live in northeast MS. If you like being covered in sweat all summer but for me that’s a hard no! It gets so hot here that our unit has a hard time getting it below 74 on our hottest days. And we added an attic fan to pull the heat out so the house isn’t retaining heat in the summer. I’m with you! No way!

  2. Tammy

    I like to save money for sure. But more important for me and my family to be comfortable. 82′ way too got for me. In summer ours is around 69′ to 72′, depending.

  3. Mary

    I live in Florida and I keep the ac at 73 during the day and 69 at bedtime. During the summer it stays at 72 during the day. No way am I going to change that. I will save on just about everything else if I have to but cool air keeps me sane. If it’s hot I get irritable and my family knows better so they don’t touch it lol

    • marie

      Same here! Except we keep ours at 70 during the day and 68 at night! I have always been one to freeze but a cold house is so important in Florida! I will say though, our AC unit is only 2 years old. Before that 74 was the coolest we could do without our bill being $500.

  4. Amber

    If they want to save money on energy they can stop sending me a shame letter in the mail telling me I use more energy than my neighbors. I’m signed up for paperless billing and I know more people than just me get them.

    • Tammy

      I’m with you Amber, we do paperless billing too but get those letters!

      • Amber

        Such a waste of paper ink and an employees time both at the company and the usps.

    • Nel

      Those letters are so dumb! We work from home and have 4 kids so of course we use more energy than our neighbors who go south for half the year or the ones with only 1-2 kids and are gone all day. There is so much to compare like home age, family size, etc.

    • Jacie

      I also have paperless billing and get that comparison letter you’re mentioning via email. You may want to check your account settings for correspondences as well to see if you have that option for them to send via email or call them & ask them not to send it.

  5. Amy

    There is no way in the Charleston heat and humidity I am keeping it above 72. We need some escape and comfort from the brick walls that are summer here.

  6. Abby

    We left ours at 82 in the summer in Yuma AZ. When it’s 120 outside, 82 feels decent. 🤪

    • Ashley

      I’m also in Yuma. I agree 80 it isn’t bad when it’s 120, but I’m still a solid 76 when it’s over 100. And saving 3% isn’t worth it even with the ridiculous aps rates

    • Sara

      Western heat is very different than Eastern heat plus humidity. I grew up w/o A/C in CA and survived. Now live in GA. 80 degrees would turn any home into a torture chamber. Seriously.

  7. jasoneberhard

    So, I am an owner/operator of a local hvac company in central Ohio….You could have your home set to these guidelines if your humidity level in your home was low enough. A whole home dehumidifier will do this (aprilaire). However with the cost of one of these units ($1800 +), I think that most people will deal with paying a little more on their utility bills per month. I have one of these units in my home and my a/c is set to 76 in the summer. Not quite the guideline but it is definitely a little closer. By the way the a/c hardly ever kicks on.

    • Sue

      I live in Ohio. People don’t expect that Ohio gets humid and hot, just like the southern states. We have such temperature swings here. Many people don’t believe it.

    • Anne S

      I agree. The humidity is what gets us every year. (Southern Indiana, right by the Oh/KY/IN pocket) I was SHOCKED by the difference in the way the 100 degree air felt in Vegas, compared to our 90 degree day here. Humidity makes everything feel just so much more uncomfortable. We are looking into a dehumidifier, just for this reason. Our air conditioner just stops throwing cold air after about a few hours of running at 75 degrees. We have had several repair men come look at it, and no one has an answer. Every year, we will get a few hours a day of cooler air, then have to shut down the system and let it “rest”, then we can try again. Unfortunately…in the resting time…the temp gets up in the 80s in the house, and then the system has to work harder to lower it! I wish someone knew the answer, but a dehumidifier is one of our steps to try. Who knows if it will work!?

      • jasoneberhard

        Anne, I actually found the Aprilaire unit on amazon yesterday. The unit needs to be sized for your home. I definitely recommend one of these for sure. If your ac is not cooling correctly, save yourself some $$$ in the long run and get one of them. In order for it to work the best it can, it’ll need to be hooked directly into your ductwork (the supply and return). It will also need to be drained into a sump pump as it’ll produce a lot of water Good luck!

  8. mnemosyne786

    We do 78 during the day and 74 at night. With fans and summer attire it feels fine to me, but I realize I’m in the minority. We are in Texas so that’s much cooler than outside. In the winter I’m at 68 day and night.

  9. Brandi

    This is so stupid! What’s the point of having an air conditioner if they want you to keep inside temp the same as outside?! 🤦🏼‍♀️

    • Erin

      It’s not the same–ten degrees is a HUGE difference.

      • Anne S

        Here in Southern Indiana…the suggested time for overnight, is actually warmer than the outside temp. You add in humidity, and you have one sweaty night!!!

        • Erin

          They are obviously not suggesting an indoor temperature warmer than the outdoor temperature in summer. A ten-degree differential between indoor and outdoor temp was always the suggested rule of thumb for ac, which makes sense to me. It’s shocking to get slammed with a wall of heat every time you leave an over-air-conditioned building. I live in hot, humid Virginia, and we go most of the summer without ac. My husband used to get aggravated about it til he saw the savings.

    • Steph

      Stupid is correct. This is going to go over so well. Not! If I have AC I am going to use it. Just like if I have heat and a furnace I’m going to use it and not be cold in the winter in my own home. So completely stupid!

      • Lori


  10. Ashley

    Yeah that’s never going to happen. 74 during the day (unless I’m cleaning), 66 at night.

  11. Betty

    People are too soft. Get tough live without the frills and thrills of ac. I grew up without it. My husband has to have it. I think he is a baby. Now being warm in the winter is a must. I love it 69 degrees my husband gets angry if it goes above 65 degrees. I often wear a jacket or walk around with my bathrobe on. Ac is a luxury, heat is not.

    • rochellemcgee

      I noticed you didn’t say where you live…sure, I grew up in Washington state and no one had AC or if they did it was a cheap window unit for the few hottest days, but in the south where I live now, without AC our homes would easily be a swampy 85+ on even mildly warm days. I’ve also discovered after 5 years in Florida, humidity is great for encouraging mold and the breakdown of a lot of textiles in your home.

      • MrsG

        If that makes me soft, just call me Fluffy. 🤷🏼‍♀️

        • Steph

          I would rather be soft than warm, hot and sweating!

        • Steph

          I’d rather be soft than hot and sweaty anyday!

    • lezers05

      Our unit went out last year and the inside of our house got to 99 degrees upstairs according to the NEST and that was with all ceiling fans on, no using the oven etc. Our son was only 4 months and clearly could not sleep in that (it’s literally a huge safety issue for babies). Central California is no joke in the summer and AC is essential when we have continuous days of 108 and higher. Having an AC unit doesn’t make me soft…does it make me thankful? Absolutely. But soft? Um hard no.

    • ToriSC

      My mom would call you a whimp for having the heat up so high in the winter – her thermostat is set at 55 degrees in the winter. So to each their own. I work hard so I can set my thermostat and a/c at whatever the heck I want.

    • Susan

      Move to Florida and tell me that AC is a luxury.

    • Ashley

      Sounds like you are a baby too for needing it 69 in the winter. It’s 2020 AC is hardly a luxury.

  12. Roro82

    I hateeee A/C’s and I live in Florida! People don’t understand what a luxery it is. My family lives in Europe and almost no one has A/C’s in their homes, and they live happy! Stop whining so much and take care of our planet!

    • Erin

      I grew up without ac and I hate it! It is always way too cold for me. I now live in humid Virginia and I avoid it most of the summer. Ours is set for 82.

    • rochellemcgee

      Which parts of Europe? Yes, some European countries have stifling summers, but most have pleasant shoulder seasons and cold winters, even in the Med. I’m in FL and we keep the thermostat at 78 during the day and 76 at night. I’ve left the AC off on vacation or if we’ve needed to keep the doors open for repairman and such and my upstairs reached 89. That would be misery.

    • Cassandra T White

      I was in Paris, France in 2016, and it was HOT (I live in Central Florida)!!! A lot of people looked miserable to me.

    • Susan

      Also depends on where in FL you live. If you are coastal, you get nice breezes. If you are northern Florida, it’s cooler than down in the swampy south.

  13. Christin

    Impossible here in S.C. can’t even set it to 75 or we suffocate upstairs with all ceiling fans running.

  14. whatacutielife

    I set mine between 70-72•F above three I will be miserable! Lol!

  15. jess

    Too warm for me. We keep it around 74-75 in the summer, and 68 in the winter. It takes some adjusting and I could probably get used to hotter/colder if I wanted to but … I don’t want to lol. And our bill isn’t crazy high. We have a townhouse – maybe in a single family it would be too expensive, I don’t know.

    • Susan31652

      That’s about the same as us, we are in GA. I’ve had 2 single family homes, and it hasn’t been crazy expensive. Our house now is appx 4,000 sq ft and has 2 units. I’ll pay the price to not be hot. Quarantine is already making us crazy enough!

  16. Materof6

    Visited a communist country once…all citizens’ AC/heat controlled by government…just saying…funny how those accusing some of whining may not have children who have heat-induced asthma or live where the dew points in summer are above 70 and the humidity is way past 90%…show some kindness and grace. The world is not going to implode if folks choose to be cooler for these reasons.

    • rochellemcgee

      Yes, lots of broad assumptions in these comments, and I am someone who does keep the thermostat higher than most people because I can’t afford to do otherwise. But if people are willing to pay for it, more power to them, otherwise, people should just take the post for what it is: helpful ideas to lower your energy bill and not completely give up all comfort.

  17. ecroston

    Funny to think about AC’s when I’m sitting here in Maine with a turtleneck on LOL

  18. emily

    Did anyone ask doctors or scientists what temperature is best for our health? I doubt that branch of science would agree with this insanity! Maybe they should start telling us how/when/where to make all our decisions… NO THANKS

    • Jody Paul

      I agree with you

    • rochellemcgee

      I’d be more interested to know if these edicts get handed out to businesses and government buildings that keep their thermostats at a constant 65 degrees (I used to be a fed, and had to wear jackets or sit on a heating pad year round to keep warm no matter what building I worked in). My personal favorite, retail businesses that use AC to cool 50,000+ square feet (the average Walmart is 180,000 sq ft!!) and keep their doors wide open during the day and you can just feel the rush of cool air pouring out into the sidewalk…but yeah, private citizens trying to cool their 1500 sq ft homes to a reasonable low to mid 70s are the problem 🙄

      • emily

        Agreed. I don’t think the ones issuing the “rules” ever think that they should have to follow them.

      • mrswagley


      • lenin1991

        It’s … not an “edict”: “Energy Star … now suggests”

        • rochellemcgee

          Thanks for the vocab lesson. You should look up the word hyperbole, too. 🙄

      • Susan

        Agreed. The building I work in (when not working from home) is frigid. Everyone wears jackets and pants year round and many of us have blankets. If we could get away with it, we would have space heaters under our desks.

  19. mackyjane

    I really think this is a personal preference. I prefer it warm over cold, so in the summer time I keep my AC set to 77-78F during the day and only drop it to 75F at night. I typically would be fine with the temp at 77-78F at night, but to keep the rest of the members of my household comfortable we drop it a few degrees. I will still wear long pants and a house jacket in the house during the summer with these temps! My problem is in the winter time when it’s become cold! After moving into our house several years ago we had a $400 electric bill for one month. I had the heat set on 72F during the day (while we were at home), but after that it was down to 68F and we just put on extra layers if cold! I would prefer to wear extra layers and pay less on my electric bill.

    • mackyjane

      For a reference, I live in Mississippi and our humidity is high along with summer temps. The humidity is not an issue in our house, and in the winter I run a humidifier in my daughter’s bedroom.

  20. Jody Paul

    I will have my home set at 70 year round. I live in Georgia and don’t use heat in the winter.

  21. Rebecca

    Hell to the naw naw to the naw naw.

    What’s the point of even having the AC?!?! I WILL PASS! LOL!

    • Cherryluva

      Heck yea, I agree! I am a Wisconsonite. We only have ONE electric/heat provider. Every single year, pricing goes up. Growing up, our mom wouldn’t turn it past 64….she provided us with sweats, flannel sheets, and down comforters. Only could go past 64 if if it was negative! I live in an apartment now and only have 1000 square feet with absolutely no air flow. We have heat provided and rarely ever use it. We are above the laundry room. It’s always soooo hot!

    • mrswagley

      Amen to that!! Hahaha. No way I’m gonna be sweating inside my house. Way too humid where I live!

  22. Bethany

    We only turn our A/C to 78 when we leave the house and we have still been able to save money.

    Some houses are cool at 77 and others, not so much. Just depends. But our normal temp is like 75 when home.

  23. Dawn

    In our humid and brutal Houston heat, the cool A/C is the only thing that keeps us sane. Even though my A/C is set to 73, and it is 72 outside, sometimes I have to bump it on down to 70 to get rid of the humidity in the house. I love my A/C and would never be miserable to save a few bucks.

    • Brittany

      I am just a little further south than you in Galveston and I agree! Living on/so close to the coast running the A/C is a must otherwise you run the risk for mildew/mold and other problems. We have ours set at 75-76 when we are away at work, on the weekends when we are home we set it at 73, and when it is time for bed depending on whether it is me or my husband who turns down the thermostat its between 68-70.

  24. Barb

    I’m in California, I keep our a/c at 78 because of the cost, our bill is about 400. I’m curious what people who keep it at such a low degree in the summer pay.

    • steph05

      Just moved from California and our 1500 sq foot house was $680 last summer set to 70.

    • mrswagley

      Oh no! In Texas we keep ours at 70 or below and it’s less than $300 every month.

  25. Anne S

    My daughter has a rare medical condition where heat creates serious consequences for her. It’s genetic, and I always wondered why my husband had no problems in the heat, but I would be vomiting, on the verge of passing out, and unable to breath in the heat. I thought I was just “soft”, as one of the readers above said, and felt so guilty. I powered through and just dreaded summer EVERY SINGLE YEAR. When my daughter started having seizures and episodes of passing out on a regular basis (getting concussions when she did), we learned of the medical condition…and it was a relief that I just wasn’t a baby!!! Unfortunately, it hasn’t taken away the difficulties that still come with summertime. We haven’t been able to get our AC unit to work for the past 3 summers, despite having multi-repairmen over. I was actually looking into a few of these options, so I found this post helpful! I would still like to keep my thermostat set to about 74/75 in the summer and 69/70 in the winter, but hopefully some of these ideas can help it feel cooler! THANKS!!!

  26. Rebecca Ferra

    I have a saying in my family, “if we have a hot house/car then you have an angry momma.” I’m not kidding, I normally I am a pretty even-tempered person but once I start getting hot, I just can’t control my emotions. I don’t like myself when I’m hot and, probably my family doesn’t like me much either. I literally sleep with two fans blowing on me, one on my head and when for the rest of my body. I used to live in Wisconsin and now I live in the south and the heat is unbearable summer! Also, I haven’t had a working AC in my car for the last 3 years so my husband can’t fight me about the AC in the house. It’s still set higher than I would like but it’s nowhere near 78°!

    • Cherryluva

      I agree. I hate being hot. Not only the emotions are terrible but I feel nauseous and get headaches, I’m still in WI, but used to vacation every summer in FL, I feel for you!

  27. Jennifer

    Wow. 82° isn’t even close the the safe recommendation for small kids to sleep in. I’d listen to a healthcare professional before the government on that.

  28. beth

    Just a thought wonder what they keep theirs at , lol🤣

  29. V

    Not keeping my thermostat as close as I can to those 100+ summer degree days out here in Kansas.

  30. Staci

    This isn’t only about money. It’s so important we all start thinking about what we are doing to our planet.

    • mrswagley


  31. witoldyna

    We live in Oklahoma and it gets hot here but I am from Europe where even at 40 degrees you just use the fan because we don’t have AC units. In the winter in OK we have 68 during the day and 62 at night, in the summer our house is at 80 and during the night we set it up for 75. I will never understand how people can go from the hot outside to the freezing inside. But I won’t understand other things either – like drinking everything with ice (not healthy).

  32. JasminE

    I have the exact ac window unit shown. It is amazing and my husband and I were shocked at how much cheaper it was to run than the non energy efficient models. And I run it as low as the temp will go..I’m always too hot so that unit is an investment that will pay for itself a couple times over in the course of one summer! And it has a remote! Love love love mine.

  33. Cassandra T White

    I live in Orlando, and it is really hot here in the summertime, so I feel like I have to use my AC, but I only run it during certain times of the day. I have also lived in different parts of Europe (Italy, Switzerland, Spain, and France), and I don’t remember many homes having AC, and sometimes I felt like I was about to die. It gets really hot in some parts of Europe. Oh, I will never understand some things either like not bathing, not washing your hands after using the bathroom, and eating off the floor/ground. I guess different strokes for different folks.

  34. SamShops

    We live in Phoenix, where it gets to 115+, It makes no sense to me for people to be uncomfortable in their own house! We got Tesla solar put in 2 years ago and now APS pays us each month versus us paying $600 a month over the summer. I highly recommend Solar! We pay $190 a month to own the panels that are guaranteed for 20 years!

    • Peaches

      Here in Alabama the power company charges you for the privelege of having solar energy. That being said, I just last year replaced the single window unit in my 1800 sq ft. house with central air and my bill went up to $78 a month. I do take advantage of budget billing though so that is a year-round cost. 70 at night and 72 during the day. I am loving controlling my new “work” environment!

    • Michelle W

      I live in Phoenix and even in the summer my bill is less than $200. APS only gives you credits for solar and also charges to use the grid.

  35. laura

    We live in Orlando Florida, in the summer we keep it at 80 it feels cool when you come in from outside. It’s a nice temperature and we always have blankets on the couch. The problem is people don’t want to try something new even if it’s just on degree.

  36. Laura

    I stay at home and have been the last 13 years.
    Keep yourself comfortable, that keeps you less irritable increasing quality of life of everyone. Saving $3 per every $100 isn’t worth the yelling or the possible divorce proceedings.

    I personally set mine to 74 during the day and 70 at night. I keep the house dark as well.

  37. anitah72

    That gonna be a no from me dawg.

    • MrsG


  38. Kathy

    I wouldn’t do that to my fur babies for nothing!

  39. Chris

    There’s no way I’m dealing with the humidity for that. My AC is usually at 73 and ends up being lower cost than heating normally.

    If you have Central air check your power company’s website. Mine offers money yearly plus a sign up bonus to allow them to raise your thermostat by 3-4 degrees when the grid is under high load.

    Mine offers this but require you to use their crappy (but free) wifi thermostat and I have a nest. Their thermostat is controlled by the web browser only, so it can’t be aware of whether everyone is home or not and change settings based on that.

    If you want a smart thermostat like the nest or ecobee your power company might offer it at a discount or even an instant discount at certain stores, mine did.

  40. Robyn

    I live in California and I keep mine at around 75 my daughter has epilepsy and one of her biggest trigger for seizures is heat

  41. Ashley

    Would not have expected this to be such a hot button topic, lol. I keep mine at 78/79 during the day and 76/77 at night year round…in FL…and we have solar so it is all nearly free. Before the solar it was 80 during the day and 79 at night with no variance. It does save a lot of money. My husband did not have air conditioning for years in Florida at home, and I am not talking in the dark ages…like the mid 2000’s, it was just something you got used to.

  42. Sara

    When the government workers keep their office A/Cs at the levels they try to tell us “normal” people to keep ours at, I might consider. But I’m not going to fall for this “do as we say, not as we do.” Leaving thermostat at 82 degrees would turn my home into a torture chamber.

    • Susan

      Agreed! I want to know what the EPA’s HQ ACs are set at!

  43. April

    I live in Texas and have not turned my AC on yet this year. Now I do keep a ceiling fan going in whatever room I’m in, usually windows open if I’m home, and have been known to turn a small fan on me at night but my electric bill was under $60 for April.

    • lenin1991

      Agree, this is a tremendous help, especially if you live an area where the temperature drops a lot at night. We live in the Denver area without air conditioning; typical summer highs are mid-80s, but it drops by 30 degrees at night, so running the whole house fan late & early makes a huge difference.

  44. Carey

    I have exhausted every recommendation on this list with the exception of the last one. I even tried raising the temp 6 degrees higher, from 68 to 74. My energy bills have only gone up.

    I’m tired of the government dictating every.single.thing. Last time I checked we have an enormous deficit with it expanding by the day. Maybe they should stick to balancing a budget before they make any kind of recommendation about anything at all.

  45. Shelley

    That is way too hot! That is like trying to save money by going naked. Some people can live in a nudist colony But the majority prefer clothes. I prefer clothes and my A/c on 73.

    • MrsG

      I laughed out loud at this 😂🤣

  46. danielle

    Isn’t being extremely hot a recipe for murder? Pretty sure everyone gets stabby when it’s that hot. No gracias.

  47. Nicole LaStella

    I live in Florida and I never put my ac lower than 75.

  48. Patty

    Mine is at a constant 76 in central Fl. As they say, it’s not the heat, it’s the humify.

  49. rachel

    No. Just no. It’s not worth the $11-$20 savings to be that hot 🤣 I’m in south Florida, it’s been boiling for the last 2 months already. I recognized and accepted my bill will be higher with staying home more, I’m ok with that. It’s not like I have an entertainment budget that’s being used

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